Arthritis Day: Best Messages, Quotes, Wishes,poster,logo, greetings, photos, wallpapers, theam

Arthritis Day Messages, Quotes & Greetings

  1. -We don’t have an idea of our strength unless we are faced with something that tests our endurance to pain at the utmost level. Spread awareness in this Rheumatoid arthritis day.
  2. -Rheumatoid arthritis is just the beginning of a series of other diseases and also mobility issues. Take care and do not ignore the early signs.
  3. -The pain of Rheumatoid arthritis can only be understood by those who have withstood it. It is one of the hardest to endure. Treat yourself immediately to get rid of this disease and live free.
  4. -On this Rheumatoid arthritis day, let us take an oath to make sure that we treat all the disease in the best possible manner and get rid of the pain.
  5. -Every patient suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis is a warrior because the pain isn’t easy to handle at all. Help the sufferers emerge out of the pain on this Rheumatoid awareness week.
  6. -Rheumatoid arthritis day is celebrated to life the spirits of each of the patients so that they can emerge victorious against the pain and live their life without pain helming them through.
  7. -Though the rheumatoid arthritis slows people down with the pain, it doesn’t have the power to stop them because each of the patients is standing tall against the pain and fighting it.
  8. -Do not ignore the symptoms when they are early because the pain in joints and bones can soon lead to greater issues in your heart, breathing and other parts of the body. Rheumatoid isn’t just arthritis, it is a disease in totality!
  9. -For each of the patient, every day with the immense pain of rheumatoid arthritis is a fight which they struggle to pull off day in and out. Our heartiest wishes for them to get rid of the pain for life, real soon.
  10. -Suffering from chronic pain is being like at the war zone all the time. You never know when the attacks start and you just have to wait for it to end and hoping that you make it through! Wishing all a safe and painless rheumatoid arthritis week ahead.
  11. -A rheumatoid arthritis patient can walk in various ways- limp walk, hobble walk, and skip a step walk! All due to the pain and yet they smile to defeat the disease every single day. Cheers to the endurance of each such patient.
  12. -Not all the steps are alike and not walks are all the same for a patient of rheumatoid arthritis. The harder the disease tries to cripple them, the stronger they fight back!
  13. -I stand up in with faith every time the pain makes me fall. I take an oath to defeat rheumatoid arthritis on this date.
  14. -Coming out of the bed like a new born deer every day? It’s the rheumatoid arthritis you have got to blame! Treat right away and delay no more as the pain shall turn out real bad.
  15. -The hope to rise up and run again is one that drives every patient of rheumatoid arthritis. Lets inspire them for a better tomorrow on Rheumatoid arthritis day.
  16. -The worst part of having rheumatoid arthritis is the false judgement of the people who never take the onus to research and simply judge without knowing what the patients go through. Take time and know what it is all about on this Rheumatoid Arthritis day.
  17. -Keep calm and kick Rheumatoid arthritis out the door!
  18. -Early diagnosis and quick treatment is the only way out. Do not avoid the signs, start early and kick the pain in the belly! Act on this rheumatoid arthritis day.
  19. -No one can see the symptoms or the pain. But it silently kills the sufferer morally with immense physical pain. Know the disease well on this Rheumatoid Arthritis Day.
  20. -Have you ever imagined being torn from your joints? This is exactly the feeling and kind of pain that the RA patients go through on a daily basis.
  21. -It is only a disease like Rheumatoid arthritis that makes a person feel like their body has betrayed them. Encourage people to treat the pain better on this Rheumatoid Arthritis Day and spread awareness.
  22. -Just stop the immense pain! But it isn’t easy unless you try it every day and get rid of the RA devil finally. Try hard and get relief with the right measures. Rheumatoid arthritis is painful.
  23. -With the amount of exhaustion you get with the pain from Rheumatoid arthritis, waking up the next day is even bigger a pain. Wish you a speedy recovery from the disease.
  24. -The harder you try to move the stronger the pain becomes. We know the demon in the bones just keeps dragging your feet back to numbness. Get help and beat RA on this Rheumatoid Arthritis Day.
  25. -The biggest cure to the RA pain is your will to fight through the pain and get the much needed relief.
  26. -Your choice today will pave the pain you get tomorrow. Live a healthy and fit life and ensure you stay away from Rheumatoid arthritis forever.
  27. -Rheumatoid Arthritis needs to be understood before being commented upon. You do not know the pain and hence do not judge. Have an enlightening Rheumatoid Arthritis day.
  28. -Rheumatoid arthritis day is a sensitive tribute to all those who fight the pain every day with a smile!

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