Happy International Girl Child Day 2020: Quotes, Images, Wishes, Messages on World Girl Child Day

World Girl Child Day Quotes to Empower Them

Here we came up with the top 20 selected quotes by our expert to empower girls. This International Day of the Girls. So read them carefully and share them on social media to empower the girls. International Day of the Girl Child: Top 20 Quotes to Empower Girls

  • “In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.” — Sheryl Sandberg
  • “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” –Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “I want every girl to know that her voice can change the world,” — Malala Yousefzai
  • “We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. We call upon our sisters around the world to be brave – to embrace the strength within themselves and realize their full potential.” – Malala Yousafzai
  • “The Most Effective Way to Do It, Is to Do It.” – Amelia Earhart
  • “We Realize the Importance of Our Voices Only When We Are Silenced.” – Malala Yousafza
  • “Women Are the Largest Untapped Reservoir of Talent in the World.” – Hillary Clinton.
  • “It Took Me Quite a Long Time to Develop a Voice, and Now That I Have It, I Am Not Going to Be Silent.” – Madeleine Albright
  • “Above All, Be the Heroine of Your Life. Not the Victim.” – Nora Ephron
  • “I Don’t Want Other People to Decide Who I Am. I Want to Decide That for Myself”. – Emma Watson
  • “For most of history, anonymous was a woman.” ― Virginia Woolf
  • “Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination.” — Mae Jemison
  • “Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” – G.D. Anderson
  • “Girl power in my mind is to let girls be exactly what they are. Let them be angry. Let them be resentful. And rebellious. Let them be hard and soft and loving and sad and silly. Let them be wrong. Let them be right. Let them be everything because they are everything.” — Amy Sherman-Palladino
  • “The spark in my eyes are my goals. Let me achieve them. I AM THE FUTURE.” — Habiba Manzo
  • “If you want to break the cycle of poverty, educate a girl.” — Graça Machel

International Girl Child Day Messages and Greetings to Share

  1. -Teach a young girl child, she can be a best head of the nation
  2. -Give a young girl child a chance to be engaged with appropriate direction.
  3. -Each young girl has rights to learn , develop and dream accomplish.
  4. -Neglecting to let a young girl child grow is neglecting to succeed
  5. -On the off chance that you need a decent mother, sister and spouse, at that point begin instructing a young girl child
  6. -For both female and male, training shouldn’t fizzle
  7. -Send your young girl child school today to let achieve her dreams tomorrow.
  8. -Instruct a young girl child and give her approach to be free
  9. -Training is extremely vital to all, particularly for young girl child
  10. -The establishment of each state is the Girl Child instruction
  11. -A little girl is a standout amongst the most delightful endowments this world needs to give.
  12. -When you hold a newborn child, hold him with your body, however with your brain and heart.
  13. -There is not at all like an infant to restore your soul and to brace your determination to improve the world a spot.
  14. -A darling in the house is a well-spring of delight, a courier of harmony and love, a resting place for blamelessness on earth, a connection among blessed messengers and men.
  15. -The thing ladies presently can’t seem to learn is no one gives you control. You simply take it.”

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