World Post Day – October 9, 2020

World Post Day is October 9 and we’re pumped for a throw back to communication methods of the past with some good old-fashioned letters. Mail carrier services have been in existence since ancient times, and even though we can communicate almost anything (literally) at the touch of a button, there’s no denying the importance of our local postal services…or the excitement of receiving a package in the mail! World Post Day marks the anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union, and it’s from this humble wellspring that the global communications revolution started and continues to this day.


Sending a letter is one of the most iconic acts of showing someone you care. While we may not pay much attention to the processes or regulations that go into zipping our mail around the globe after we lick the stamp, it takes an international team to get birthday cards and online shopping from point A to B.

Origins of what we now know as the postal service date to Ancient Egypt circa 2500 BC, while the oldest official postal service is found in 550 BC Iran. Various civilizations utilized a courier service to pass letters, messages, news, and parcels across empires spanning thousands of miles, inspiring the modern idea of the mailman. The US’s own postal service dates back to Benjamin Franklin as the first postmaster general in 1775.

On October 9, 1874, the Universal Postal Union was established as a means of cooperation and regulation amongst its member states’ mail services — today it allows mail to flow freely from your mailbox to Timbuktu, and everywhere in between! In 1969, World Post Day was inaugurated at the Tokyo Universal Postal Congress.

Each year, the UPU’s 192 member countries celebrate World Post Day on October 9 to mark the importance of universal mail and the UPU’s contributions to society and the global economy. Countries hold special stamp exhibitions and launch new postal initiatives; India hosts a week-long celebration each year over the week of October 9.

As a testament to bringing people together, the UPU hosts an International Letter Writing competition for children up to age 15. Winners are selected from each country and the world champion is selected by a UPU panel. Not only does the program promote literacy, but it keeps the excitement of waiting for the mail alive and well.



World Post Day Established

The Universal Postal Congress in Tokyo establishes World Post Day.

October 9, 1874

Treaty of Bern Held

The General Postal Union is established — later to be called the Universal Postal Union.

September 15, 1874

First Postal Conference Hosted

Representatives from 22 nations gather in Bern, Switzerland, to plan for an international postal union.


Postage Stamp Invented

Englishman Sir Rowland Hill introduces the world’s first postage stamp.

225 B.C.

Oldest Piece of Mail Sent

The oldest example of an official post comes from third century B.C. Egypt.

550 B.C.

First Postal Service Established

The first organized postal system originates in Ancient Persia on the orders of King Cyrus the Great.


Who celebrates World Post Day?

Everyone across the globe! World Post Day was created by the Universal Postal Union, which was established to create and maintain a free-flowing system of international mail regardless of country lines.

Where is the Universal Postal Union?

Anyone can visit the UPU in the Swiss capital of Bern, where it was founded in 1874. You can also visit an extensive exhibit on the UPU at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C., along with exhibits on national and international mail and stamps.

What types of mail does the Universal Postal Union handle?

The UPU deals with everything from personal letters and classified documents to e-commerce and online shopping packages.

Why do dogs go crazy over mail carriers?

Dogs are territorial — as far as they’re concerned, your friendly mailman is a daily threat to their domain. Plus, they come bearing a bag full of unfamiliar smells from across the globe; that stimulation is enough to drive Buster bananas!


  1. Surprise someone with a letter

    Everybody loves to receive a letter in the mail. And since we do most of our communicating online these days, sending something “the old-fashioned way” is a perfect way to honor our shared postal heritage.

  2. Thank a mail carrier

    They come to our houses nearly every day. Maybe we should take the time to say hello and introduce ourselves — and to thank them for their service.

  3. Contribute to a food drive

    The U.S. postal service organizes a food drive for the second Saturday in May. Help out those less fortunate by contributing. The USPS says they’ve delivered more than 1.6 billion pounds of food through this program.


  1. It reminds us to stay in touch

    John Lennon once sang that “life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” And in the hustle-and-bustle world, it’s good to take the time to reach out to those we love. The postal service lets us do that — quickly, efficiently, and for a good price, too!

  2. Postal workers deserve recognition

    Although the U.S. Postal Service has no official motto, it is often associated with a quote from the Ancient Greek historian Herodotus: “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” The quote is a fitting tribute to postal workers the world over who are tasked with delivering our most precious correspondence.

  3. There’s nothing like getting a letter or a postcard

    Sure, most of us communicate via the internet these days. But there’s just something extra special about opening the mailbox to find a handwritten note from someone far away.


Year Date Day
2020 October 9 Friday
2021 October 9 Saturday
2022 October 9 Sunday
2023 October 9 Monday
2024 October 9 Wednesday

Category : mmmmm

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